Event News
Navy relief teams still on action

The dead body of the Police constable who was missing in flash floods while on relief activities in Madampe area on last 25th, was recovered by Navy divers yesterday(26 May).
27 May 2018
Navy renders assistance to clean canals blocked at separate locations

Navy continues its rescue and relief efforts in a bid to help recover the community’s life, increasing the relief teams up to 65 and 55 boats to date.
26 May 2018
Navy rescues a pregnant mother and a 3 month old infant

The adverse weather condition prevailed for past few days throughout the island is declining now and SL Navy has increased the number of relief teams up to 54 to facilitate distressed people in the affected areas.
26 May 2018
Indian Defence Advisor calls on Commander Southern Naval Area

The Defence Advisor of the Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka, Captain Asok Rao called on Commander Southern Naval Area Rear Admiral Kapila Samaraweera at the Southern Naval Command Headquarters, yesterday (25 May).
26 May 2018
Navy’s rescue efforts save public in the general area of Thabbowa

Continuing its rescue efforts since 4.30 a.m. the naval personnel of Rapid Response Rescue and Relief Unit (4RU) saved approximately 120 distressed persons in the general area of Thabbowa as of noon today (25 May).
25 May 2018
Naval personnel make valiant effort to restore transportation on Kajugasgodella road

Naval personnel are making a valiant effort to restore the transportation on the Kajugasgodella road by erecting sand embankments on either side of the road as the route got inundated following the swollen water level of Delathura canal in Ja-Ela, since this morning (25 May).
25 May 2018
49 Navy teams continue relief operations

The routine lifestyle of the public is not fully restored yet, as the adverse weather condition affecting the island has not yet completely ceased.
25 May 2018
Navy extends further assistance in disaster relief work

The prevailing inclement weather condition in the country severely affected the routine lifestyle of the general public across the island.
24 May 2018
Three Naval ships of SL Navy celebrate anniversaries

SLNS Shakthi, a Landing Ship Tanker and Fast Gun Boats SLNS Ranajaya and SLNS Ranawickrama of SL Navy celebrated their 22nd proud anniversaries on a colorful note on 22nd May 2018.
24 May 2018
Navy relief teams kept on standby to engage in flood emergencies

While continuing its flood relief duties following the inclement weather that slashed communities across the island, the Navy has deployed 41 relief teams belonging to the Marine Battalion, Rapid Response Rescue and Relief Unit (4RU), Special Boat Squadron (SBS) and Diving Unit along with 41 dinghies to engage in relief and rescue efforts promptly.
23 May 2018