SLINEX concludes on successful note

The Sri Lanka-India Naval Exercise (SLINEX) was successfully held at the Naval Dockyard of Visakhapatnam, India and in the Bay of Bengal from 07th to 10th March 2022. Representing the Sri Lanka Navy, SLNS Sayurala took part in the bilateral naval exercise.

The 09th edition of ‘SLINEX’ comprised two phases, as Harbour Phase and Sea Phase. The Indian Navy was represented by the Corvette INS Kirch, Fleet Support Tanker INS Jyoti, several helicopters and a Dornier maritime surveillance aircraft.

SLINEX focused on enhancing inter-operability, improve mutual understanding and exchange best practices and procedures for maritime cooperation between both navies. The Harbour Phase of the exercise was held at the Naval Dockyard of Visakhapatnam on 07th and 08th March. Meanwhile, cultural, professional, social, and sporting exchanges took place under the Harbour Phase.

The Sea Phase of SLINEX was conducted on 09th and 10th March in the Bay of Bengal, where surface and anti-air weapon firing, aviation operations including cross deck flying, advanced tactical manoeuvres, replenishment at sea (RAS) and Special Forces operations including Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) exercises were demonstrated.

The 09th edition of SLINEX was a great opportunity for both navies to enhance mutual understanding in bilateral naval operations and exchange best practices and procedures. Besides, such engagements will greatly assist when overcoming common maritime security challenges in the region.