Navy apprehends 08 would-be illegal immigrants in Pesalai

Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 08 individuals who were suspected to be on an illegal migration attempt to a foreign country by sea, during a foot patrol conducted at Kudiirippu Beach in Pesalai, Mannar on the night of 13th September 2022.

As a result of continuous naval patrols and search operations being conducted in coastal areas of the island by the Navy to prevent nefarious acts taking place via sea routes, this apprehension was made by SLNS Gajaba in the North Central Naval Command. Accordingly, the naval personnel engaged in this beach patrol interrogated 08 persons who were suspiciously remaining at Kudiirippu Beach on 13th September. As the group was suspected to be wandering around with the intention of fleeing to a foreign country via sea, they were held by the Navy. Among the apprehended persons were 03 males and 02 females over 18 years and 03 individuals below 18 years of age.

The apprehendees were identified as residents of Morawewa, Vavuniya, Jaffna and Point Pedro areas and they were handed over to the Pesalai Police for onward legal action.

As it is observed that human smugglers organize this nature of rackets using unsafe methods for the purpose of making fast money, the Navy urges the public to refrain from risking their lives by engaging in perilous sea voyages and be victims before the law.