Navy’s Good Samaritans rescue 03 fishermen from capsized trawler in southern waters

In a dedicated search and rescue operation mounted on 13th December 2022, Sri Lanka Navy rescued 03 fishermen from a distressed trawler in southern waters. The rescuees were brought ashore and admitted to the District General Hospital, Hambantota. Reportedly, their fishing trawler had capsized about 180 nautical miles (333km) off Dondra Point, following adverse weather.

The fishing trawler (Reg. No. IMUL-A-0539-TLE) left the Galle Fisheries Harbour on 22nd November 2022, with 06 fishermen. On receipt of information of the distress to the Navy Headquarters, the Navy launched this dedicated search and rescue operation at the directives of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne, to retrieve the fishers from the unfortunate turn of events.

Upon confirmation about the developments, through the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) Colombo at Navy Headquarters, the Navy sent off the Fast Attack Craft P 436, attached to the Southern Naval Command, patrolling in southern waters, for the rescue of fishermen. Accordingly, naval personnel with the assistance of a local fishing trawler in the sea area rescued 03 fishermen from the capsized trawler.

Based on information revealed by the rescuees, the Navy carried out further search in the area to locate the other 03 missing fishermen. In this operation, the Navy managed to recover a corpse adrift in the sea area. The rescued fishermen confirmed that the corpse was not that of a fisherman from the ill-fated trawler. Incidentally, the Navy carried the corpse along with the rescued 03 fishermen to the Port of Hambantota on the night of 13th December. The rescued fishermen were subsequently rushed to the District General Hospital, Hambantota for medical attention. Meanwhile, the corpse was also handed over to the hospital for onward proceedings.

Remaining true to its duty, the Navy in coordination with the MRCC Colombo works in full swing to assist naval and fishing communities in distress in Sri Lanka’s search and rescue region.