Navy apprehends 03 suspects with Kerala cannabis worth more than Rs. 16 Mn gross street value in northern waters

The Navy seized more than 49kg (wet weight) of Kerala cannabis, during a special search operation carried out off the Delft Island in Jaffna today (25th January 2023). The operation also led to the apprehension of 03 suspects along with a dingy in connection to the illegal act.

The Navy remains ever vigilant and regularly conducts patrols and search operations to prevent various forms of illegal activities emanating from the sea.

In a similar operation, SLNS Wasaba in the Northern Naval Command had searched a suspicious dingy off the Delft Island today. During the search of the dinghy, the Navy managed to seize about 20kg and 900g (wet weight) of Kerala cannabis in 09 packages which had been contained in a sack. Meanwhile, 03 suspects involved in the racket and the dinghy used for smuggling of illegal drugs were also taken into naval custody.

In addition, the Navy deployed SLNS Ranavijaya attached to the Northern Naval Command to search the same sea area, where naval personnel recovered another sack adrift in waters. The sack had been left behind by the suspects as a result of the presence of the Navy, and there were 11 packages of Kerala cannabis weighing around 29kg (wet weight).

The gross street value of the stock of Kerala cannabis seized in this operation is believed to be over Rs. 16 million.

The apprehended suspects who are from 25 to 42 years of age, are residents of Mandaitivu and Thalayadi in Jaffna. The suspects together with the stock of Kerala cannabis and the dinghy will be handed over to the Delft Police for onward legal action.