Navy apprehends 05 persons for engaging in light-coarse fishing in northern waters

The Navy apprehended 05 persons who engaged in light-coarse fishing, during a search operation conducted off Chundikulam, Jaffna in the wee hours of today (21st March 2023). The Navy also seized 03 dinghies and fishing gear used for this illegal fishing practice.

The Navy conducts regular operations in the coastal and sea areas of the island in order to suppress illegal fishing activities performed by people with scant regard towards responsible fishing practices. In a similar operation conducted utilizing craft of the Navy Marines belonging to Naval Detachment Chundikulam in the Northern Naval Command, these 05 persons along with 03 dinghies and fishing gear were taken into naval custody, for engaging in light-coarse fishing.

The persons apprehended in this operation are residents of Mullaitivu area, from 17 to 25 years of age. The suspects along with their fishing equipment and dinghies were handed over to the Office of Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Jaffna for onward legal action.