Navy intercepts foreign trawler with over Rs 18 Mn heroin and nabs 08 suspects in southern seas

A special operation conducted by the Sri Lanka Navy about 573 nautical miles (about 1061km) off Dondra, south of Sri Lanka, led to the interception of a foreign trawler with over 900g of heroin on 22nd June 2023. During the operation, carried by SLNS Sayura, 08 foreign nationals who were aboard the drug-carrying trawler were also apprehended. The trawler and suspects were brought to the port of Colombo on the morning of 28th June 2023 for onward legal proceedings.

Based on information derived from a coordinated intelligence operation conducted by the Naval Intelligence, State Intelligence Service and Police Narcotic Bureau, the operation was mounted by the Sri Lanka Navy. Accordingly, SLNS Sayura made this apprehension on 22nd June about 573 nautical miles (about 1061km) off Dondra, after detecting a suspicious foreign trawler on the midnight of 21st June. During further search, the Navy recovered about 926g of heroin concealed in the trawler. Accordingly, the drug-carrying trawler and 08 foreign nationals were taken into naval custody.

Meanwhile, the gross street value of seized drugs is believed to be around Rs 18.5 million.

The suspects held in this operation were identified as Iranian and Pakistani nationals who are from 17 to 42 years of age. Meanwhile, the suspects along with the trawler and about 926g of heroin were handed over to the Police Narcotic Bureau for onward legal action.