Navy apprehends 02 suspects while smuggling Kendu leaves by dinghy in Kalpitiya seas

The Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 02 suspects who were smuggling about 530kg (wet weight) Kendu leaves, during a special operation conducted off Periya Arichchal Island, Kalpitiya in the dark hours of 14th July 2023. The operation also led to the seizure of a dinghy used for this illegal act.

The Navy often conducts patrols and search operations in coastal and sea areas surrounding the island, to ward off the influx of contraband through sea routes.

As a result of these efforts, SLNS Vijaya belonging to the Northwestern Naval Command made this apprehension, during a special operation conducted off Periya Arichchal Island on 14th July, deploying naval craft. Following subsequent search, the Navy recovered about 530kg (wet weight) Kendu leaves, in 16 packages. The operation also led to the apprehension of 02 suspects and a dinghy in connection to the incident.

The suspects held in this operation are resident of Kalpitiya, aged 30 and 44. The accused along with Kendu leaves and dinghy will be handed over to the Customs Preventive Office Katunayake for onward legal action.