Navy assists transfer of ill fisherman rescued through coordination of MRCC Colombo

The Sri Lanka Navy rendered assistance to bring ashore an ill fisherman whose life was at risk while aboard a local multi day fishing trawler in southern waters of Sri Lanka. The fisherman was retrieved by a Merchant Vessel in the sea area, on being coordinated by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) Colombo. After being brought ashore on 24th July 2024, he was rushed to the Teaching Hospital Karapitiya, for medical attention.

The local multi day fishing trawler “Nethum Putha 03” (Reg No. IMUL-A- 0843 TLE) was reported to have left the Nilwella Fisheries Harbour with 06 fishermen on 04th July 2024 on a fishing voyage. Meanwhile, the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DFAR) alerted MRCC Colombo established in the Navy Headquarters that a crew member onboard the fishing trawler was in distress at sea and requested Navy’s assistance to transfer him ashore for treatment.

In the meantime, a nearby Merchant Vessel named ‘MT Lijmiliya’ was directed to the trawler's location to provide assistance, through the coordination of MRCC Colombo. With the assistance of MRCC Colombo, the Merchant Vessel managed to retrieve the fisherman and he was brought to the Galle Offshore Patrol Limit (OPL), while administering first aid by this morning.

Following this, the Sri Lanka Navy dispatched a Fast Attack Craft (FAC), attached to the Southern Naval Command, to Galle Offshore Patrol Limit (OPL), where they boarded the ill fisherman and brought him ashore. Subsequently, he was rushed to the Teaching Hospital Karapitiya for medical attention.

The Sri Lanka Navy in coordination with MRCC Colombo continues to exemplify its dedication and unwavering commitment to safeguarding lives within Sri Lanka's search and rescue jurisdiction, serving as a beacon of hope and security for seafarers and the fishing community.