Navy takes hold of 1648kg of smuggled Tendu leaves in separate operations

Separate search operations conducted by the Navy in the sea area from Wellamundalam to Kolankanaththa in Kalpitiya and the beach vicinity of Kolankanaththa on 17th and 18th September 2024 led to the seizure of more than 1648kg (wet weight) of smuggled Tendu leaves.

A search operation carried out by Rapid Action Boat Squadron in the Northwestern Naval Command in the sea area from Wellamundalam to Kolankanaththa on 17th September resulted in the recovery of 05 suspicious sacks adrift in waters. Those sacks contained 169kg and 500g (wet weight) of smuggled Tendu leaves, which were taken into naval custody.

In another operation conducted by SLNS Vijaya in the beach vicinity of Kolankanaththa on 18th September led to the recovery of 45 more sacks hidden away in nearby shrubs. The sacks were stuffed with Tendu leaves weighing 1,479kg (wet weight). Combined with previous recovery, the total haul of Tendu leaves seized in these operations amounted to 1,648kg and 500g.

It is suspected that the smugglers abandoned the stock of Tendu leaves, likely due to the Navy's operations preventing their entry into the country. The seized Tendu leaves were subsequently handed over to the Excise Special Unit in the Northwestern Province for onward legal action.